A father is playing with toy cars with his son.

Family Resources

Understand The Power of Play

Resources for Families

We understand the unique developmental needs and learning styles of young children and the value of quality early learning experiences. We offer an array of resources and programs to support children and families in fostering playful learning at home and in the world.

Helping Children Rebound from Trauma

Following traumatic events like hurricanes, floods, fires, violence, and even pandemics, young children need emotional support to help them cope. Knock Knock Children’s Museum has compiled resources parents and caregivers may find useful in helping children cope.

Helping Children Rebound: Strategies for Preschool Teachers, By Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes, Teaching Strategies, LLC

Helping Children Rebound: Strategies for Infant and Toddler Teachers, By Cate Heroman and Jenna Bilmes, Teaching Strategies, LLC

Disaster: Helping Children Cope, American Academy of Child and Pediatric Psychology

Tips for Talking to Children and Youth After Natural Disasters: A Guide for Parents and Educators, SAMSHA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health

STEAM activities

Knock Knock Children’s Museum is dedicated to introducing children to STEAM disciplines through hands-on, playful learning experiences. STEAM Education is an approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics as access points for guiding children’s curiosity, inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. We’ve put together some simple activities you can do at home!

Science and Engineering

Art, Music, and Design

Birthdays & Rentals

  • Facility Rentals are available, learn more information here.
  • Learn more about Birthday Parties and book here.

Upcoming Knock Knock Events

View all Knock Knock’s upcoming programs, workshops and special events here.